Roald Dahl Matilda Dodge Game

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SKU: U08489
Regular price €4.95 inc. VAT

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  • Can you dodge the Trunchbull? This fun and fast-paced card game, featuring the renowned illustrations from Roald Dahl’s best-selling children's book Matilda, could see any player left holding the Trunchbull card! The large illustrated cards feature scenes and characters from the hilarious and heart-warming tale including: Miss Honey, Lavender, Mr Wormwood, Bruce Bogtrotter, and Matilda herself!

    The aim of the game is to dodge the Trunchbull Card, you really don’t want to get caught holding it! Players discard matching pairs and offer their remaining cards, face down, to the next player to choose one. To win, simply be the first player to pair off your cards until you have none left in your hand but can you steer clear of the Trunchbull!

    The Matilda Card Game is quick to set up, easy to play and encourages turn taking. Ideal for two or more little slugs aged six years and over.


    • 54 Giant Illustrated Cards
    • Game Instructions