Hytrol Xtra Strength Weed Killer Ready to Use 1 Litre

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SKU: P2211
Regular price €8.95 inc. VAT

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Hytrol Extra Strength Weed killer has been designed to kill weeds right down to the root. This weed killer is Ideal for use with a hand held sprayer 10ml of this powerful formula will cover 7m2. This product contains Glyphosate 162g/l and is one of the strongest non-commercial products on the market. Used with water at a ratio of 10ml of the weed killer for every 1L of water it represents great value for money.
We would recommend using this product on a dry and calm day as it may spread in the wind to other plants and lawns.

  • Kills weeds right down to the root
  • Clears up driveways, patios, pathways and anywhere where undesirable plant growth occurs
  • Contains glyphosate 162g/l – one of the strongest non-commercial products on the market