Evo-Stik Gun Grade Foam Plasterboard Adhesive 750ml

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SKU: 30610927
Regular price €12.95 inc. VAT

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Excellent adhesion to Expanded Polystyrene, Plasterboards, Insulation Boards
Quick and easy to apply with minimal mess or waste
Replaces Heavy dry wall adhesive
Gun Applied for faster application with less waste

EVO-STIK Plasterboard adhesive is a Gun Applied foam developed to bond Plasterboard to most common substrates such as Stone, Concrete, Brick, Metal and Wood. The foam cures under the influence of humidity in the air and substrate. It has excellent thermal and acoustic insulation properties.

Suitable materials: Fixes plasterboard, insulation boards, expanding polystyrene and most building substrates including stone, concrete, brick, metal and wood.

Sizes: 750ml (SKU 30610927)

Colour: Pale yellow