Bruder Ausa Mini-Dumper

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SKU: B102449
Regular price €20.95 inc. VAT

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  • Item Description

    BRUDER supplements its highly successful range of small constructionvehicles with a so-called mini dumper. Mini dumpers are usuallycompact machines with articulated joint steering which are capable oftransporting loads of up to 4 tonnes across uneven and hard-to-accessterrain. Thanks to their four-wheel drive and articulated jointsteering, they are highly manoeuvrable and capable of keeping all oftheir four wheels on the ground at all times. This new BRUDER modelis modelled on the Dumper D 350 AHG made by the Spanish firm AUSA.Just as its real-life brother, the BRUDER dumper is equipped witharticulated joint steering and a tipping trough that can be rotatedand has great off-road capabilities like its original. The vehiclecomes with a rear coupling which allows it to be combined withnumerous towed vehicles out of the BRUDER product range.
    Recommended age: suitable from 3 years upwards for playing indoors and outdoorsMade by Bruderarticulated steeringWARNING! Not suitable for children under 36 months. Choking hazard - small parts.Compatible with figure


    automotive body

    • detachable rear coupling
    • trough can be rotated
    • tipping trough


    • articulated steering
    • tread tyres


    • WARNING! Not suitable for children under 36 months. Choking hazard - small parts.
    • Recommended age: suitable from 3 years upwards for playing indoors and outdoors
    • manufactured from high-quality plastics such as ABS
    • Compatible with figure
    • Made by Bruder
    • Scale 1:16