Animal Cube Puzzle

In stock - 4 items available
SKU: BJ536
Regular price €6.50 inc. VAT

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Nine wooden puzzle cubes create six different animal images in this fun wooden cube puzzle. Turn each cube around to find the pieces that make up an image, or mix them up for fun! Each chunky wooden puzzle piece is generously sized to make it easier for little hands to lift, grasp, examine and replace.
Cube puzzles help to develop dexterity, matching skills and concentration. The puzzle’s compact dimensions ensure that this is a useful playmate both at home and when travelling. The handy wooden tray can be used as a puzzle base (especially useful when on the go) and enables safe storage of all puzzle pieces.
Made from high quality, responsibly sourced materials. Conforms to current European safety standards. 9 puzzle pieces.
Cube puzzle product features:

9 wooden cubes
6 puzzles to make
Made from quality responsibly sourced materials
Non-toxic paint
3.5cm L x 10.5cm H x 10.5cm W